Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to install and use (unofficial) Swype on your iPhone with iSwipe!

Hello readers and fellow bloggers, today I'm going to show you how to install iSwipe (the unofficial port of Swype for iPhone) by Andrew Liu. All of my post assume you have a jail-broken iPhone with Cydia installed.

Start up Cydia and click "Manage" at the bottom. Click on "Sources" and then click "Edit" then click "Add". After the "http://" add and choose "Add Source". After Cydia updates, click on the new source called "Wynd Repo" or go to search and type iSwipe or click the link at the bottom of this post. Install as usual from there.

Once the above steps are complete, re-spring your device and you're finished! Note: there are no icons for this program and no settings in the settings menu. The functionality of the default keyboard is unchanged with the addition of swiping your fingers across keys. I have found some funny things it can't spell (like Cydia, for instance) and it doesn't seem to work very well at all in the "Spotlight Search" but otherwise works [almost] exactly the same as the Android version. It can also make your keyboard very sensitive, often adding letters when you don't raise your finger fast enough between typing, if you're not trying to use the swipe for words it can't spell.

Overall I think its a great attempt and hopefully future updates will fix some of its quirkiness.

Hope this helps you!

Cydia Store Link (iDevice only):

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